By: Eurasia Review
July 24, 2012
Islam, mainly of the Sunni sect, is practiced by 4% of the population of Burma according
to the government census. However, according to the US State Departments 2006
International religious freedom report official statistics underestimate the
non-Buddhist population which could be as high as 30%, the country’s
non-Buddhist populations were underestimated in the census.
Muslim leaders estimate that as much as 20% of the population may be
Muslims. Muslims are spread across the country in small communities. The last
Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II and his family members and some followers were
exiled to Yangon, Myanmar. He died during his
imprisonment in Yangon and was buried on
7.11.1862. After the British took over Burma all sub groups of
Burmese-Muslims formed numerous organizations, active in social welfare and
religious affairs. The Indian-descended Muslims live mainly in Rangoon. The Rohingya are a minority Muslim
ethnic group in Northern Rakhine State,
Western Burma.
The Rohingya population is mostly concentrated in five northern townships of
Rakhine State:
Maungdaw, Buthidaung, Rathedaung, Akyab, Sandway, Tongo, Shokepro, Rashong Island and Kyauktaw. The stated official
policy of the government of Burma
is that all all ethnic, religious, and language groups in Burma are
Religious and racial riots
Under the British rule, economic pressures and xenophobia contributed to the
rise of anti-Indian, and later anti-Muslim sentiment. Following an anti-Indian
riot in 1930, racial tensions flared between the ethnic Burmese, Indian
immigrants, and British rulers. Burmese sentiment turned against those viewed
as foreigners, including Muslims of all ethnic groups. Following this, an
anti-Muslim riot occurred in 1938, strongly influenced by newspapers.
Burma for Burmese Campaign
These events led to the creation of the Burma for Burmese only Campaign,
which staged a march to a Muslim Bazaar. While the Indian police broke the
violent demonstration, three monks were hurt. Burmese newspapers used the
pictures of Indian police attacking the Buddhist monks to further incite the
spread of riots. Muslim shops, houses, and mosques were looted, destroyed, or
burnt to ashes. Muslims were also assaulted and killed. The violence spread
throughout Burma,
with a total of 113 mosques damaged.
Inquiry Committee by British
On 22 September 1938, the British Governor set up the Inquiry Committee.
This committee determined that the real cause of the discontent toward the
government was deterioration of socio-political and economic conditions in Burma. This
report was also used by Burmese newspapers to incite hatred against the
British, Indians, and Muslims. The Simon Commission which had been established
to inquire into the effects of the Dyarchy system of ruling India and Burma in 1927, recommended that
special places be assigned to the Burmese Muslims in the Legislative Council.
It also recommended that full rights of citizenship should be guaranteed to all
minorities: the right of free worship, the right to follow their own customs,
the right to own property and to receive a share of the public revenues for the
maintenance of their own educational and charitable institutions. It further
recommended Home Rule or independent government separate from India or the
status of dominion.
Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League
The BMC, Burma Muslim Congress was founded almost at the same time as the
AFPFL, Anti-Fascist Peoples Freedom League of General Aung San and U Nu before
World War Two. U Nu became the first Prime Minister of Burma in 1948, following
Burmese independence. Shortly after, he requested that the Burma Muslim
Congress resign its membership from AFPFL. In response, U Khin Maung Lat, the
new President of BMC, decided to discontinue the religious practices of the BMC
and rejoin the AFPFL. U Nu asked the BMC to dissolve in 1955, and removed it
from AFPFL on 30 September 1956. Later U Nu decreed Buddhism as the state religion
of Burma,
angering religious minorities.
Ne Win’s coup d’état
After the coup d’état of General Ne Win in 1962, the status of Muslims
changed for the worse. Muslims were expelled from the army and were rapidly
marginalized. The generic racist slur of “kala” (black) used against perceived
“foreigners” gained especially negative connotations when referring to Burmese
Muslims during this time. Accusations of “terrorism” were made against Muslim
organizations such as the All Burma Muslim Union, causing Muslims to join armed
resistance groups to fight for greater freedoms.
Anti-Muslim riots in Mandalay (1997)
On 16 March 1997 beginning at about 3:30 p.m., following reports of an
attempted rape by Muslim men, a mob of about 1,000-1,500 Buddhist monks and others
gathered in Mandalay.
They targeted the mosques first for attack, followed by Muslim shop-houses and
transportation vehicles in the vicinity of mosques. Looting, destruction of
property, assault, and religious desecration all were reported. At least three
people were killed and around 100 monks arrested.
Anti-Muslim riots in Sittwe and Taungoo (2001)
Tension between Buddhists and Muslims was also high in Sittwe. The
resentments are deeply rooted, and result from both communities feeling that
they are under siege from the other. The violence in February 2001 flared up
after an incident in which seven young monks refused to pay a Muslim stall
holder for cakes they had just eaten. The Muslim seller, a woman, retaliated by
beating one of the novices, according to a Muslim witness. He attested that
several senior monks then came to protest and a brawl ensued. One of the monks
was hit over the head by the Muslim seller’s husband and started to bleed.
Riots then broke out. A full-scale riot erupted after dusk and carried on for
several hours. Buddhists poured gasoline on Muslim homes and properties and set
them alight. More than thirty homes and a Muslim guest house were burned down.
Police and soldiers reportedly stood by and did nothing to stop the violence initially.
There are no reliable estimates of the death toll or the number of injuries.
More than twenty died according to some Muslim activists. The fighting took
place in the predominantly Muslim part of town and so it was predominantly
Muslim property that was damaged.
In 2001, Myo Pyauk Hmar Soe Kyauk Hla Tai , The Fear of Losing One’s Race,
and many other anti-Muslim pamphlets were widely distributed by monks.
Distribution of the pamphlets was also facilitated by the Union Solidarity and
Development Association (USDA), a civilian organization instituted by the
ruling junta, the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC). Many Muslims feel
that this exacerbated the anti-Muslim feelings that had been provoked by the
destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in the Bamyan Province of Afghanistan.
Human Rights Watch reports that there was mounting tension between the Buddhist
and Muslim communities in Taungoo for weeks before it erupted into violence in
the middle of May 2001. Buddhist monks demanded that the Hantha Mosque in
Taungoo be destroyed in “retaliation” for the destruction of the Buddhas of
Bamiyan. Mobs of Buddhists, led by monks, vandalized Muslim-owned businesses
and property and attacked and killed Muslims in Muslim communities. On May 15,
2001, anti-Muslim riots broke out in Taungoo, Bago division, resulting in the
deaths of about 200 Muslims, in the destruction of 11 mosques, and setting
ablaze of over 400 houses. On this day also, about 20 Muslims praying in the
Han Tha mosque were beaten, some to death, by the pro-junta forces. On May 17,
2001, Lt. General Win Myint, Secretary No. 3 of the SPDC and deputy Home and
Religious minister arrived and curfew was imposed there in Taungoo. All
communication lines were disconnected. On May 18, the Han Tha mosque and
Taungoo Railway station mosque were razed by bulldozers owned by the SPDC .The
mosques in Taungoo remained closed until May 2002, with Muslims forced to
worship in their homes. After two days of violence the military stepped in and
the violence immediately ended. There also were reports that local government
authorities alerted Muslim elders in advance of the attacks and warned them not
to retaliate to avoid escalating the violence. While the details of how the
attacks began and who carried them out were unclear by year’s end, the violence
significantly heightened tensions between the Buddhist and Muslim communities.
Siddharta Gautama Buddha very rightly said “However many holy words you
read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on
upon them?”
But I don’t think Rakhine Buddhists are in a state anymore to ponder over
it. Muslims in Burma’s
western state of Rakhine have been subjected to attacks, arbitrary arrests and
were abused in the weeks since ethnic clashes erupted, according to a report.
According to a report by Amnesty International, hundreds of people were
detained in the areas where Muslim Rohingya people live after an emergency was
declared in Rakhine in June after deadly clashes between Buddhists and Muslims.
Amnesty accused Burmese security forces as well as ethnic Rakhine Buddhist
residents of assaults, unlawful killings of Muslims and the destruction of
property. A state of emergency was declared in Rakhine in June after deadly
clashes between Buddhists and Muslims. Since then, hundreds of people have been
detained in the areas where Muslim Rohingya people live, a spokesman said. The
government has dismissed the allegations as “groundless and biased”. Win
Myaing, a government spokesman for Rakhine state, told the Associated Press
news agency that the claims are “totally opposite of what is happening on the
ground”, adding that the region was calm. But although communal violence has
eased since the unrest in June, violations by the security forces appear to have
increased, rights groups say. “Most cases have meant targeted attacks on
the minority Rohingya population and they were bearing the brunt of most of
that communal violence in June and they continue to bear the lion”s share of
the violations perpetrated by the state security forces,” Amnesty researcher
Benjamin Zawacki said.
Anti-Muslim riots in Rakhine (2012)
Buddhists started another genocide in Rakhine in June 2012, after Myanmar’s
President Thein Sein has said Rohingya Muslims must be expelled from the
country and sent to refugee camps run by the United Nations. It all started on
3rd June 2012 when 11 innocent Muslims were killed by the Burmese Army and the
Buddhist mobs after bringing them down from a bus. A vehement protest was
carried out in the Muslim majority province
of Arakan, but the
protestors fell victim to the tyranny of the mobs and the army. More than 50
people were reported killed and thousands of homes destroyed in fires as
Muslim-ethnic Rohingya and Buddhist-ethnic Arakanese clashed in western Burma. While
the idea of monks actually leading rioters may seem unusual, certain details
make it less so.
large and much feared military intelligence service, the Directorate of Defense
Security Intelligence, is commonly believed to have agents working within the
monk-hood. Human Rights Watch also reported that monks in the 2001 riots were
carrying mobile phones, a luxury not readily available to the Burmese
population, as very few without government connections can afford them. It is
also reported that there was a clear split between monks who provoked violence
and those who did not. It has been suggested by Human Rights Watch and others
that these facts may reflect the presence of agents provocateur among the
Embassy of Myanmar statement in New Delhi
Amidst spreading anger among Muslims in India
over the killings of Muslims in Myanmar,
the Embassy of Myanmar in New Delhi
has come up with first official and detailed explanation about the violent
clashes, its origin and the measures the Government of Myanmar has adopted to
control the situation and provide relief to the victims. According to Myanmar Ambassador Zin Yaw, what has happened
recently in the Rakhine State of Myanmar was violent clashes and
riots between Buddhists and Muslims in the state – it was not one-sided killing
of Muslims by another group with the support of the state. According to Yaw,
only 79 persons comprising members of both communities have been killed in the
riots that started on 30th May 2012. He termed the photos of mass killings of
Muslims as fake and described the reports as baseless accusations.
Rohingyas beaten
According to the BBC, the group also said that authorities allowed Rakhine
youth to assault Rohingyas in custody. The group also alleged that Burmese authorities
took part in looting of shops and homes belonging to Rohingya. The government
has, however, dismissed the allegations as ‘groundless and biased’. Win Myaing,
a government spokesman for Rakhine state, said the claims are ‘totally opposite
of what is happening on the ground’. Amnesty accuses Burmese security forces as
well as ethnic Rakhine Buddhist residents of assaults, unlawful killings of
Muslims and the destruction of property. “Most cases have meant targeted
attacks on the minority Rohingya population and they were bearing the brunt of
most of that communal violence in June and they continue to bear the lion’s
share of the violations perpetrated by the state security forces,” Amnesty
researcher Benjamin Zawacki told the BBC’s Viv Marsh. Chris Lewa, director of
The Arakan Project, which focuses on Rohingyas in the region, also told our
correspondent that hundreds of Rohingya Muslims had been arrested, with
allegations that some had been beaten and even tortured. “Shortly after the
main violence… then we start seeing a new phase of, I would say,
state-sanctioned abuses, where especially in Maung Daw… we heard on a daily
basis about mass arrests of Rohingya,” Ms Lewa told the BBC. The Arakan
Project also says that some Rakhine, particularly those found with weapons,
were arrested. It is difficult to verify any of the information provided by
such sources, as journalists cannot access the area.
Long-standing tension
Violence between Buddhists and Muslims flared after the rape and murder of a
Buddhist woman in May, followed by an attack on a bus carrying Muslims.
Communal unrest continued in parts of Maung Daw as Muslims attacked Buddhist
homes. Reprisal attacks then targeted Muslim homes and communities. The attacks
left many dead and forced thousands of people on both sides to flee their
homes. There have been long-standing tensions between Rakhine people, who are
Buddhist and make up the majority of the state’s population, and Muslims, many
of whom are Rohingya. Many Rakhine Buddhists have said that much of the
violence in June was carried out against them by Rohingya groups. Rohingyas say
they have been forced to flee because of the violence. Earlier this
month, Burma’s
President Thein Sein said the “solution” for the Rohingya was deportation or refugee
There’s never any justification for killing people anywhere in the world. In
this case, yeah Muslims are being wronged and killed, but killing of even an
atheist or a non-Muslim would be wrong. And keeping mum about this injustice is
a shame. Anyhow, you can’t expect much when the Burmese President Thein Sein
had himself stated that deportation or refugee camps were the only solutions to
the Rohingya crisis. What kind of solution is this? He sounds more of a
chicken. Why is he scared of his own people? Up to 90,000 people have been
displaced so far & that’s a huge number. Anyhow, Amnesty International has
called on Myanmar’s
parliament to amend or repeal the 1982 Citizenship Law to ensure that Rohingyas
are no longer stateless. I just hope this mad killing, raping & torturing
come to an end. Moreover, laws need to be amended in the state of Burma. I
believe it’s high time. But I’m amazed to read some of the comments on pages
& sites. People love to act smart & that’s about it. I wonder do they
really care or they just scribble insensitive comments to prove they are smart
to themselves cause I don’t think anyone else is interested.
Since they are all so damn unreadable that one can’t even continue to read
what they are babbling. Anyway, this is the case anywhere check out any status
on FB particularly of fake creatures, people just love to prove something. And
the only question that pops up in my mind is that: are you really all that good
or you trying to pretend you care about humanity?
Suu Kyi mum on ethnic cleansing of Muslims
This is very strange fact and It’s a paradox for world to know that the
Buddhists who were historically so peaceful people, they were non-violent, most
of their history they were non-violent, and now certainly this is a huge shock.
It is a catastrophe! Not owning them, that is the government and even
this Nobel prize winner, the lady Aung San Suu Kyi is so Calmly silent about
the problems of this minority in Myanmar. In the end after a
long gap the Nobel Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi, addressed the issue some
weeks ago at a press conference in London,
saying, “ethnic conflict plaguing the country” should be investigated and
“dealt with wisdom.”This is not acceptable for a Person of such Reputation. Of
course, there are internal problems, other problems which contribute, that the
system is antiquated, it is very old, including the banking system, the labor
community, the economic isolation. All those aided to the miseries of the
[different] communities in Myanmar
including Buddhists and the Muslims. These incidents have a very bad and
negative impression on Buddhism especially the Theravada Buddhism, when
Buddhism is considered to be the most compassionate religions of the world. How
are the followers of Lord Buddha, Burmese Buddhist in general, and Rakhine
Buddhist in particular, practice their compassion to the other human being not
similar to them, when in face. Lord Buddha has showed several ways to curb
their own passion and desires.
The Chinese Factor
Burma is under populated
of less than 60 million while all our immediate neighbours Thailand in the East and Bangladesh in the West have far more population,
even though their land area is much more smaller than Burma. This
does not count our giant neighbours of India
and China.
Naturally all our neighbours want to dump their excess population into Burma with rich
natural resources. The immediate problem where both legal and illegal
immigration is concerned is the Chinese in the east and so much Bengalis in the
West. The immediate problem where both legal and illegal immigration is
concerned is the Chinese in the east and not so much Bengalis (Muslims) in the
West. A rough estimate put that there are more than 4 million Chinese
immigrants in Burma so much
so that Mandalay, the second capital of Burma is called 2nd Beijing as most of the business area and the
city has been taken over by the Chinese while the locals have moved to the
suburbs. This does not included the illegal Chinese coming across the border
areas posing as ethnic nationalities. So why did the Tatmadaw did create this
Mujahid problem when it tried its level best to placate the local outburst
against the Chinese? The Burmese saying of not being able to conquer Kalar beat
up the Rakhine was skillfully turned into being unable to tackle the Chinese
turned on to Kalar. Will the Thein Sein Administration ever challenge the
illegal Chinese as many of them have become local quarters and township
chairman? The Burmese army is too afraid to tackle on the Chinese, as it has to
depend on them not only arms and ammunition but also the diplomatic support
without which all of them would now be standing trial in Hague. The Generals
security came first then the security of Burma. But at the same time they
know the real situation and to tackle this Chinese problem it must get the
Western support and this is the main reason of letting Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and
the NLD to come back to the political field. Naturally, the resource hungry
West falls into this trap. The country is heading for democracy, equality, free
trade and probably federal type with the 2nd Panglong Conference and all its
citizens can chose to reside anywhere else in the country provided they respect
the local laws and authority. But not the aliens. Since there is much influx of
Chinese, the government can confine them to Western Burma where now the
majority of the Mujahid resides, this is feasible as China is constructing a fast
railroad with the gas pipe line schedule to complete in 2013-14. Confined these
China-men to that area of the Rohingya. Then send all these so call
Mujahid/Rohingyas to the eastern part of Burma where there are lots of land
with a favourable weather and they can take out their lives there. (Burma: Killing Two Birds With A Stone Or A Win, Win Situation
by Kanbawza Win)
Current Ongoing Situation in Burma
Myanmar’s President Thein Sein has said Rohingya Muslims must be expelled
from the country and sent to refugee camps run by the United Nations.The former
army general said on Thursday that the “only solution” was to send nearly a
million Rohingya Muslims — one of the world’s most persecuted minorities — to
refugee camps run by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The
UN says decades of discrimination have left the Rohingyas stateless, with Myanmar
implementing restrictions on their movement and withholding land rights,
education and public services. Now the problem is that the government says that
these people do not belong to Myanmar.
This is something which is not acceptable. It is an international tragedy. It
is something that those people belong to Myanmar
and Bangladesh.
Now they stand as such, as you see, they are being eliminated. This ethnic
cleansing is absolutely an international tragedy. Fighting in Mynamar’s Kachin
and Rakhine provinces has reignited the threat facing the Rohingya after a
nearly two- decade ceasefire between Myanmar’s armed forces and
Rohingyan insurgents. The fallout has displaced at least 70,000 people and as
many as 90,000 according to reports from human rights agencies.This has been
going on for the last 30 years but nobody knew about it. The persecution was
there but it was not of such a huge scale as it is now. This is absolutely
incorrect that they are outsiders, that they must be thrown out. This is ethnic
cleansing and the Myanmar
government is lucky in the sense that the Muslim world, the majority of the
Muslim peoples around the world do not know about this tragedy. Now the
government of Myanmar does
not recognize Rohingya Muslims as citizens, despite their claims to the land in
Rakhine province that dates hundreds of years. They have been accused of being
ethnically tied to neighbouring Bangladesh
and are diminutively called “Kalar,” a slur against their darker skin. However,
does not recognize them, largely crowding them into camps like the one at
Shahburi Bib, where the Rohingya are largely left stateless.
Solving the situation would take time, effort, education, discussions and
compromise. Addressing the Citizenship Law, improving the overall economic and
social situation of Rakhine
State and tackling
demographic issues would be some of the steps crucial to diffusing the tension.
As both sides argue incessantly on the basis of history, clarifying the
region’s history might also help to some extent. Separating the two
communities, as the government has currently done for short-term security reasons,
would temporarily alleviate the violence but will only reinforce mutual
distrust in the long run. Involvement by uninformed external parties galvanized
by embellished statements would only serve to further complicate a delicate
solution. The Burmese government, used to quelling such incidents through
force, is only starting to figure out how to settle such matters without the
gun and by properly addressing human security issues.
The president of India’s
Jamiat Ulma-i-Hind has voiced concern about the massacre, calling for an end to
the humanitarian crisis in the country. Maulana Syed Arshad Madani lashed out
at the Myanmar
government for being indifferent to the massacre of Muslims by extremist
Buddhists. He also criticized the silence of the international community and
human rights organizations across the world about this humanitarian tragedy.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has voiced its concern over the
recent violence in the state of Rakhine and the varying reports which have
leaked out as to the number of the Muslims killed. As reported by the Time Turk
News Agency, over 1,000 Rohingya Muslims have been murdered thus far in the
conflicts that broke out in the region. The Rohingyas are currently undergoing
one of the most violent episodes of their history, and their suffering is one
of the most pressing issues anywhere in the world. Yet their plight is
suspiciously absent from regional and international priorities, or is undercut
by giddiness over the country’s “ample resources of hydro-carbons, minerals,
gems and timber. The Muslim world bears a historic moral responsibility in
choosing to ignore the continuous ethnic cleansing of the Rohingyas. Some
Muslim Organisations want the Dalai Lama to speak out against those atrocities
to show the entire world in general, and the Muslim world in particular that
Buddhism condemns these grave human rights violations against Muslims. As said
we need Dalai Lama in the spirit of this blessed month of Ramadan to send a
message of love, peace, and comfort to the victims of those horrible incidents
in Burma, their families and loved ones but the authority and following of
Dalai Lama among Burmese Monks is not very popular because they have different
religious sect. UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Myanmar, Tomás
Ojea Quintana, has stressed the need for the authorities to take steps to
address the “long-standing issues of deprivation of citizenship, freedom of
movement, and other fundamental rights” that plague the welfare of the Rohingya
people. Amnesty International has called on Myanmar’s parliament to amend or
repeal the 1982 Citizenship Law to ensure that Rohingyas are no longer
stateless. “Under international human rights law and standards, no one may be
left or rendered stateless. For too long Myanmar’s human rights record has
been marred by the continued denial of citizenship for Rohingyas and a host of
discriminatory practices against them.
Asif Ahmed, is Assistant Professor. Defence & Strategic Studies. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. (Haryana) India
Asif Ahmed, is Assistant Professor. Defence & Strategic Studies. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. (Haryana) India
The author’s opinons are his own.
1. Muslims in Burma’s Rakhine state ‘abused’ – Amnesty
1. Muslims in Burma’s Rakhine state ‘abused’ – Amnesty
2. Muslims in Rakhine state are abused, arbitrarily arrested’
3. Attacks against Muslims in Myanmar
4. Islam in Burma
7. Burma: Killing Two Birds With A Stone Or A Win, Win Situation by Kanbawza Win
7. Burma: Killing Two Birds With A Stone Or A Win, Win Situation by Kanbawza Win
There are no reliable estimates of the death toll or the number of injuries. More than twenty died according to some Muslim activists. Lpg Gas Pipe Fitting Commercial