The Turkish Humanitarian Aid Foundation distributes food to displaced Muslims who have fled Myanmar. (Photo: AA)
26 July 2012 / ALÄ° H. ASLAN , WASHINGTON
US State Department as
well as US-based human rights organizations have spoken out against
ethnic violence in Myanmar, where thousands of Rohingya Muslims are
being targeted.
groups say Rohingya Muslims, who live in the coastal Rakhine (Arakan)
area where the Myanmar government announced a state of emergency in
June, are increasingly being hit with attacks which have included
killings, rape and physical abuse. Rights groups say both locals and
security forces have carried out attacks against the Rohingya, who are
denied citizenship by the government, which considers them illegal
settlers from Bangladesh. Noel Clay, a spokesperson for the US State
Department, told Today's Zaman that the US is watching the ethnic
tension closely, adding that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged
the Myanmar government to end the ethnic violence on a recent visit to
“The United States continues to
monitor ethnic and sectarian tensions in Burma's Rakhine State. During
Secretary Clinton's recent meeting with Burmese President Thein Sein on
July 13, she urged the Burmese government to reach a peaceful resolution
as soon as possible. We continue to urge authorities to investigate the
violent attacks that have occurred in Rakhine State and to bring those
responsible to justice in a timely manner and in accordance with due
process,” Clay said.
He also said a regional
advisor for the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID) had recently traveled to the affected areas in west Myanmar to
participate in a joint assessment of humanitarian conditions being
carried out by the UN, donors and civil society groups.
Robertson, Human Rights Watch (HRW) deputy Asia director, said the HRW
will soon release a report on the
violence against the Rohingya. “Historically, there have been severe
abuses against the Muslim Rohingya in Arakan state -- they are
effectively stateless because of their exclusion under the 1982
Citizenship Act and, as a result, have been subjected to restrictions on
movement, the right to marry and have a family and faced forcible
expropriation of land and property and requirements to do forced labor.
Since the sectarian violence which took place in June 2012, local
security forces known as the nasaka [an amalgamated force of army,
police, immigration and customs officials that operate in Arakan state]
and the police have been engaged in violent sweeps and arbitrary, mass
arrests of Rohingya that they suspect were involved in the violence.
Hundreds have disappeared into detention and an unknown fate.”
noted that both sides -- the Buddhist Arakan and Muslim Rohingya --
were responsible for the violence at the
outset, from June 8-12, but said: “However, since June 12, we've seen
increasing retaliation and reprisals against the Rohingya, conducted by
local security forces with impunity. For that, the national government
of Burma is ultimately responsible, and they should take immediate steps
to restrain local security forces in Arakan state, impartially
investigate the violence, and permit international human rights
observers and humanitarians into all corners of Arakan state.”
said to ease the situation the UN must continue delivering assistance
to the estimated 90,000 displaced persons inside Arakan state. “The
international community should press the Burmese government to allow
that assistance, and equally importantly, to permit access to
international observers, journalists and others who can witness what is
happening in Arakan state and report to the world where human rights
abuses are being perpetrated. Bangladesh, which borders Arakan
state, should end its policy of cruelly pushing back Rohingya refugees
trying to flee violence and persecution, and let them enter and receive
temporary protection.”
The international
community must speak out, he finally noted, adding that Burmese
President Sein's suggestion that the 800,000 Rohingya all be put in
camps or sent to a third country should be condemned “roundly and
USCIRF pleased with OIC involvement
ethnic violence is unacceptable and is the most pernicious threat to
Burma's reformist path,” said United States Commission for International
Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Chair Katrina Lantos-Swett. "Burma's leaders
and the international community should call for an end to the violence
against Rohingya, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan."
"USCIRF has always stated that sanctions targeting Burmese leaders
remain -- in part, because of the religious freedom violations
experienced by Burmese Muslims," said Lantos-Swett. "In the past we have
also raised this issue with OIC [Organization of Islamic Cooperation]
officials, urging the organization's intervention on behalf of the
Rohingya. We are pleased that the OIC and other countries are now
speaking out on this issue."
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