4818 South 14th Street, Milwaukee Wisconsin 53221, USA
Tel: (414) 736 4273, (414) 306 1751, Fax: (414) 817 0656
E-mail: contactinfo.brafa@yahoo.com, http://www.brafausa.blogspot.com/
Ref: BRAFA 02/12
Date: November 30, 2012
Announcement of the Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association
the basis of new development, the United States of America is now
engaged to establishing a strong relationship with Burma after easing
all sanctions from Burma which is also known as Myanmar. The American
government has already established full diplomatic relation with Burma
too. So, American people should know about Burma, its people and current
Burma there seem amazing changes and it is opening to the world after
many years of isolation but in a remote corner of Burma, in the
North-western region known as Arakan for centuries which name was
changed to Rakhine State in 1974 by the previous Burmese military
government, there lives a people known as Rohingya, an indigenous and
native people of old Arakan Kingdom. They are being identified as
Burmese Rohingya as now Arakan is a part of Burma.
people of America and Burma know very little about the Rohingya people.
Interaction between the two countries has not been at the people’s
level, but it has been very largely limited to each other’s government.
The need to open a channel for people to people interaction between the
people of USA and Rohingya people of Burma gave birth to the “Burmese
Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA)” in a general meeting
held on the date of September 01, 2012 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin State
with the initiative and active participation of Burma and Rohingya
origin US citizens and residence.
Mission Statement
mission of the BRAFA is to work with the United States Government,
particularly with the United States Senate, House of Representatives,
and the States Department to facilitate the legislative and the Burmese
Rohingyas’ policy-issues.
BRAFA shall implement projects for Rohingya refugees, immigrants, and
residents in the United States in the field of education, professional
development sectors, social welfare, cultural and community development
so as to promote the friendship and harmony between the people of USA
and entire ethnic Burmese nationalities in particular, the Burmese
Rohingya people of Arakan State who are the victims of controlled
genocide and inhuman atrocities.
Aims and Objectives of BRAFA
1- To promote values of democracy, human rights, equality, justice and freedom, and strive for peace in Arakan-Burma and the world,
2- To
create awareness in both countries (USA and Burma) about common issues,
building mutual trust and common opinion on the rights of
self-determination in order to strengthen friendship towards strong
solidarity in stopping human rights abuses, inhuman atrocities, racial
discrimination, genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Rohingyas in
3- To
work together with all concerned quarters for the restoration of
Rohingyas fundamental human rights in Arakan-Burma through democratic
and peaceful means by organizing needful programs and events to create
awareness on the suffering of Rohingya people and finding a durable
political and humanitarian solution for them,
4- To
cooperate with all concerned quarters especially, the Burmese Rohingya
institutions working for the same aims and objectives of BRAFA with
respect and honor,
5- To
advocate the cause of world most persecuted Rohingya minority people
and draw world-public opinion in favor of the Rohingyas’ rights to
survive as equal Burmese citizens with dignity and respect in their
homeland of Arakan-Burma,
6- To enhance particularly, strategic planning and policy in spirits of peace and stability throughout circumstantial initiatives,
7- Maintain
communications with US government, local and international NGOs, civil
societies and communities, human rights organizations world-wide
including the United Nations regarding the plights of Rohingya people,
Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA) has been
functioning since the date of formation with the elected office bearers
and members of the following Executive Committee. The Executive
Committee members are elected for a term of 4-year period.
Advisory Council
(1) Dr. Shaik Sayeed (Medical Doctor & ISM Board Member)
(2) Sheikh Ziad Hamdan (Imam & Member of Islamic Society of Milwaukee-ISM)
(3) Bro. Salah Sarsour (ISM Religious Chairman & Head of MAS Milwaukee Chapter)
(4) Bro. Will Perry (Executive Director of Islamic Dawah Center)
(5) Bro. Mohamed Sandid (ISM Board Member)
(6) Bro. Jamal M. Amro (Director of Dura Services)
(7) Bro. Hashim Zaibak, Pharm.D. ( HAYAT-Pharmacy Manager)
Executive Committee
1- Shaukhat Kyaw Soe Aung @ MSK Jilani (Chairman)
2- Hussain Saifulla (Vice-Chairman)
3- Max Zubair Ahmad (General Secretary)
4- Ali Hussein Shakur (Office Secretary)
5- Har Jee (Finance Secretary)
6- Maung Maung Ya Min (Audit Secretary)
7- Ga Ni (Management Secretary)
8- Khaing Hla Myint (Human Rights & Refugee Affairs Secretary)
9- Harun Rashid (Public Relation & Empowerment Secretary)
10- Maung Tue @ Kamal Hussain (Media, information & Publication Secretary)
11- Ar Lee (Organizing Secretary)
12- Era Sam (Member)
13- Ah Jee (Member)
14- Ja La (Member)
15- Ayu Khan (Member)
16- Kyaw Maung (Member)
17- Mohamad Ayub (Member)
18- Nuru Islam (Member)
19- Hla Win Hasan (Member)
20- Noor Alam (Member)
21- Maung Tin (Member)
22- Rahmat Ullah (Member)
23- Aung Kyi (Member)
24- Ka Sem (Member)
25- Min Thu Naing @ Mohamed Rafiq (Member)
26- Mohamed Hafiz @ Maung Shwe Hla (Member)
27- Mohamad Yosuf (Member)
Family and Children’s Affairs
1- Sr. Mi Cho
2- Sr. Swa Bay Da
3- Sr. Ma Rasul Bi
4- Sr. A Ti
With Best Wishes and Regards,
The Executive Committee
Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin State
Contact Information: (1) Shaukhat @ MSK Jilani (Tel: 414-736 4273), (2) Max Zubair (Tel: 414-306 1752)
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