Saturday, October 8, 2011

Call for press freedom by Myanmar censorship chief

October 9, 2011
Myanmar censorship chief call for press freedom
Myan­mar cen­sor­ship chief call for press free­dom. @freedomnews

A call for press free­dom in the army-dominated coun­try by the head of Myanmar’s repres­sive state cen­sor­ship body was made with the sug­ges­tion that his depart­ment should be shut down accord­ing to a report.

Cen­sor­ship should cease as part of reforms under the new nom­i­nally civil­ian gov­ern­ment, Tint Swe, direc­tor of the Press Scrutiny and Reg­is­tra­tion Depart­ment which was set up more than four decades ago, told Radio Free Asia.

Press cen­sor­ship does not exist in most coun­tries as well as among neigh­bors and to be in har­mony with demo­c­ra­tic prac­tices, press free­dom should reign in the future.

Press free­dom with respon­si­bil­i­ties should be accepted by news­pa­pers and other pub­li­ca­tions, he added.

Myan­mar has announced a slight eas­ing of strict cen­sor­ship rules for some pub­li­ca­tions while main­tain­ing a tight grip on news titles.

In June, pub­lish­ers were told that sports jour­nals, enter­tain­ment mag­a­zines, fairy tales 
and the win­ning lot­tery num­bers won’t need prior approval from the infor­ma­tion 
min­istry before they are printed.

Call­ing an end to “dra­con­ian” report­ing laws and for the free­ing of jailed jour­nal­ists, 
the Com­mit­tee to Pro­tect Jour­nal­ists or CPJ said last month that Myanmar’s 
media remains the most restricted in the world.

Myanmar’s inter­net users were able to see banned media web­sites for the first time, in 
Sep­tem­ber, includ­ing the BBC and exiled media orga­ni­za­tions such as the Demo­c­ra­tic 
Voice of Burma or DVB. The fore­go­ing news is sourced from AFP.

Source: Between News

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